July 31

ELA: English Language Arts

In 4th grade we spend about 90 minutes a day focused on the ELA standards.  This includes guided reading, writing, teacher read alouds, and spelling.  We dedicate 30 minutes twice weekly on spelling, 30 minutes 3 times a week on writing, and 60 minutes daily for guided reading.  Guided reading is a time where your champion will be grouped with other like ability students.  The guided reading teacher designs targeted lessons for that specific group based off of that group’s iReady data.

Below is a simple chart with the abbreviated Common Core Standard and the number of questions on the EOG for that standard.  This helps the fourth grade team pace out the year and determine standard importance. You will notice the standards are broken into three parts: Reading Literature, Reading Information, and Language.

Reading Literature

Standard Number of EOG questions

Standard (6 words or less)

RL.1 4-6 Make inferences using text details
RL. 2 1-2 Text Theme and Summarize
RL.3 2-3 Text details to describe character, setting, event
RL. 4 4-5 Determine word meanings
RL. 5 Differences in drama, prose, play
RL.6 Compare and Contrast 1st person to 2nd person
RL.7 Make text connections
RL.9 Compare and contrast themes
RL.10 Read at 4-5 grade level


Information Text

Standard Number of EOG questions Standard
RL.1 3-6 Text details to support answer
RL.2 3-4 Main idea and supporting details
RL.3 4 Text detail to describe event/idea
RL.4 3 Determine the meaning of words
RL.5 2-3 Structure of events
RL.6 Firsthand vs. secondhand accounts
RL.7 Interpreting visual information (charts, etc..)
RL.8 4-5 Authors use of reasons/evidence
RL.9 Integrate information of two text
RL.10 Read at 4-5 grade level



Standard Number of EOG questions Standard in 6 words or less
L.2 Capitalizing, proper nouns, commas, punctuation
L.3 Writing, speaking, listening
L.4a 5-7 Context clues
L.4b Greek and latin parts
L.4c dictionary/glossary
L.5a 2-4 similes/metaphors
L.5b Idioms, adages, proverbs