July 31

Word Work


Keep this sheet in your binder to be used every week


On Wednesday, you will receive your spelling words for the following 10 days.  Plan on having a spelling test every other Friday.  Choose one of these activities every evening.  You can use the lined notebook paper in your HLO binder for these activities.  


You will have a test on 10 words every other  Friday.  The test words will be words that follow the word pattern that you have been studying.


SAW (Sort, Alphabetize and Write) – Students sort their words, alphabetize the words within their categories and then write down the sort.


SENTENCES  Write five sentences using at least 1 spelling word per sentence. Underline your spelling words..  Make these sentences good quality!


STORY  Write a short story using at least 5 of your spelling words. Underline your spelling words in the story. Make this story at least five sentences long.


DEFINE  Choose five spelling words to define. Underline your spelling word in each sentence.  Make these sentences good quality!


CONNECTIONS   Choose five of your spelling words. For each word, make a connection with four new words. The connection can be about beginning sounds, ending sounds, how many syllables, short vowels, long vowels, or words that rhyme with your spelling word.


BEAT THE PARENT  Parent sorts the words while being timed by their child.  The child then tries to beat the parent’s time while sorting their words.


SPEED SORT   Student completes the sort while timing himself/herself.  The sort is then repeated to see if he/she can beat his/her previous time.


CONCENTRATION – Students lay their words face down.  Cards are flipped over two at a time.  The student is to read the words and determine if they belong in the same category.  If the words belong in the same category, the student has found a match and keeps the words.  This continues with students taking turns until all words have been used.


WORD HUNTStudents look for words in books that fit the rule/pattern.  Words are recorded in their Word Study notebook.


Keep this sheet in your binder to be used daily