March 30

Adding/Subtracting Fractions

By the end of third grade students have a pretty solid understanding of what a fraction is.  In fourth grade students are also introduced to mixed numbers and improper. Students will learn many strategies to add and subtract fractions, mixed numbers, and improper.  Here is what students will end the unit knowing:

  • vocabulary such as mixed number, improper, numerator, and denominator
  • add and subtract fractions with the SAME denominator
  • use the numberline as a visual model for adding/subtracting fractions
  • how to convert between a mixed number and improper
  • add and subtract mixed numbers that require regrouping

Example Problems:

  • William has 3 1/4 gallons of milk.  He is planning on making two batches of pudding that each need 3/4 gallon of milk.  How much milk will William have left?
  • Kate at 7/8 of a pie.  Brian ate the same amount.  How much did they eat altogether.  Write your answer as a mixed number.

Below are some videos that to illustrate the math in this unit.

Adding Fractions on a Numberline


Subtracting Fractions on a Numberline

Adding and subtracting mixed numbers by changing them to improper