August 30

Progress Report-Letter 1

Dear Families!

What a wonderful start to the school year! It has been an amazing few weeks getting to know your child as both a learner and person! Already I know that this will be one of the sweetest groups of students that I will ever teach!

We will typically have one graded assessment for each subject per a week. In this progress report, you will notice fewer grades than typical.  This is because the first week was just all about getting to know your child.  The next week we focused on instruction with the following week assessment. All assessments are based on mastery of individual learning targets.  Assessments and classwork typically go home in the next week’s Monday Folder.  You may keep all the work that goes home in these folders.  You will also notice ½ sheets of paper.  They are just a daily check in.  I record students progress and use the information to pull small groups.  They are not placed in the grade book.

Just a reminder, students can redo ANY assignment within the grading period for full credit.  Any assignment that is re-completed must be done without parent help and on the child’s own time such as lunch or at home. Extra copies of assignments are located in the Extra Copy binder and it is the student’s responsibility to get the assignment.  Once the assignment is turned in students will receive full credit. 

For the most recent information about your child’s progress, I rely on parents checking to check  Parent Portal. I grade assignments fairly quickly, so please expect to go there to find your child’s grade two-three days after the assignment. You can also sign up for daily or weekly emails if that is easiest for you.  Please contact Jill Brackins at for login information.


Thank you!


Emily Greenelsh

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